About Our Office…
Meet the Doctor…

Meet Michelle…
Michelle Dillberg is a trained Theraputic Lifestyle Counselor. She will help you prioritize your healthcare needs. She creates personalized protocols to help you easily adhere to the doctors reccomendations and create daily habits that will stabalize your health. At Dillberg Integrated Heakth, we believe in getting healthy and staying healthy.

Experience True Integrated Healthcare
By creating balance and removing interference, a wide variety of healthcare problems can be successfully treated.
In our office we see patients who are already in good health, but want to improve their performance and prevent illness or injury (like many professional and amateur athletes), we also see people who have been diagnosed with debilitating illnesses (like cancer, heart disease, and cognitive disorders).
We also see every type of healthcare problem in between.
We look forward to helping you acheive your highest level of health and creating a health program personalized to your goals and needs.

Contact & Connect
Interested in scheduling an appointment?
If so, please fill out the "new patient paperwork", then call our office to reserve the best day and time for your appointment.
Phone (808) 742-9326
Fax (808) 742-9458
2711 Ala Kinoiki, Koloa Hawaii 96756